Academic Positions
University of Pennsylvania (PhD)
University of California, Berkeley (BA)
UW, (University of Warsaw), Research Professor
MIT, Lecturer Department of Material Science.
UC Berkeley, Assistant Dean, Residential Collge 2015-2019
UCLA Visiting Assitant Professor, (2012-2015)
Research Associate, UCLA (2009-2011)
Harvard, Summer Field Instructor, Harvard University (2003-2006)
University of Pennsylvania, Lecturer and Research Associate, (1999-2004)
Awards and Grants
Fullbright Scholar
Dumbarton Oaks (Harvard) Research Fellowship
National Science Foundation Research Grant ($1,000,200)
National Science Foundation Research Grant ($110,000)
Field Work and Research
Cusco and Machu Pichu, Peru
Tiwanaku, Bolivia
Xunantunich, Belize
Blageovgrad, Bulgaria
Rodji, India
Tonto Basin, United States
Roccagloriosa, Italy
Tarragona, Spain
Select Publications
click dates for links
2021 “Ancient genomes reveal long range influence of the site and culture of Tiwanaku”. Danijela Popović, Martyna Molak, Mariusz Ziołkowski, Alexei Vranich, Maciej Sobczyk, Delfor Ulloa Vidaurre, Guido Agresti, Thiseas Christos Lamnidis, Nathan Nakatsuka, Swapan Mallick, Mateusz Baca.
2020 “Continuity and Transformation in Tiwanaku Ritual Architecture.” Peruvian Archaeology V: 31-81
2018 Vranich A., and Smith, S. “Nighttime Sky and Early Urbanism in the High Andes.” In The Archaeology of the Night, edited by Nancy Gonlin and April Nowell, 121-138. University of Colorado Press, Boulder, CO
2018 “Reconstructing Ancient Architecture at Tiwanaku, Bolivia: The Potential and Promise of 3d Printing.” Heritage Science.
2014 VRANICH, A. Prehistoric Urban Archaeology in the Americas: A view from
Cusco, Peru. Backdirt Magazine, Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, Los Angeles.
2013 VRANICH, A., & C.Stanish (Editors). Visions of Tiwanaku, Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, Los Angeles.
2013 VRANICH, A., A. Levine (Editors). Advances in Titicaca Basin Archaeology 2, Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, Los Angeles
2010 VRANICH, A. Revolorizando a Max Uhle en Tiwanaku, in Max Uhle (1856-1944). Evaluaciones de sus Investigaciones y Obras. Edited by Peter Kaulicke, Fondo Editorial PUCP, Lima, Perú.
2009 VRANICH, A. The City of Tiwanaku. In Papers of the New World Art Symposium Tiwanaku. Denver Museum of Art, edited by Margaret Sanchez-Young. .
Landscape Architecture
2006 VRANICH, A. The Construction and Reconstruction of Ritual Space at Tiwanaku, Bolivia (A.D. 500-1000). Journal of Field Archaeology 31 (2): 121-136.
2003 VRANICH, A. La Pirámide de Akapana: Reconsiderando el Centrol Monumental de Tiwanaku. In Huari y Tiwanaku; Modelos vs. Evidencias, ed. P. Kaulicke and W. H. Isbell, 295–308. Boletín de Arqueología 5. Lima: Fondo Editorial de la Pontifica Universidad Católica del Perú.